The Fairbanks Cooperative Weed Management Area (FCWMA) is a volunteer organization dedicated to preventing the introduction and spread of invasive plants in Interior Alaska. Invasive non-native plants can have devastating impacts on native plant communities, fish and wildlife habitat, agricultural yields, recreational and subsistence opportunities, and ultimately, local economies.
The FCWMA and its partners are leading efforts to manage invasive plants on public and private land in the Fairbanks area. Through our partners' hard work, thousands of people have been educated about invasive plants, hundreds of acres have been surveyed, and numerous control projects have been carried out.
To better manage invasive plants, FCWMA is always recruiting volunteers and partner agencies! Use this website to learn more about all the exciting opportunities to educate youth, protect our invaluable natural resources, and prevent the spread of
invasive plants around the Fairbanks area.
Visit our 'programs' page to learn more about this new program from the Fairbanks CWMA
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What is Elodea and why is this common water plant such a threat?
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Spotted Knapweed
Centaurea stoebe
Sunflower family